24 January, 2012

2827 Manager Curriculum & Training

Vanuatu Rural Development & Training Center Association


Non Government Organisation


Port Vila, Vanuatu

Job Hours:

Not Stated

Due Date:


Job Description:

The Vanuatu Rural Development and Training Center Association (VRDTCA) is an NGO and umbrella organization for rural trainings centers (RTCS) in Vanuatu with its major focus on giving an opportunity to schools push outs in the field of trade skills training. The head office in Port Vila wishes to urgently recruit a Curriculum and Training Manager.

Interested applicant must possess the following requirements:


- A degree on teaching or rural development; Must have 5 years or more experience in curriculum development and training; Has ability to communicate (orally and writing) english and french; Must be

comuputer literate; Must be able to expert good leadership qualities and be able to supervise others

- Ability to work as a team member of VRDTCA management; Ability to communicate and negotiate effectively at the national level as well as at the rural level; Willing to travel and work with 39 RTCs in

the rural areas

- Willing to work over time; Be of good character; Other skills; A valid driver's license.


Not Stated


English, French


How To Apply:

Any citizens having the required qualifications stipulate above must apply in writing and marked CONFIDENTIAL, also provide CV and two referees and send to the address below.

Contact Name:

Not Stated


Not Stated



The Director, VRDTCA, PO Box 925, Port Vila, Vanuatu.


21-Jan-12 Daily Post (Weekender)
Source Website:

For further information on the above Vanuatu job please see the source or contact the employer directly.

AccessTotalsID: 1

2826 Air Conditioning Technicians (4)

Supercool Limited


Electricity, Gas, Water


Port Vila, Vanuatu

Job Hours:

Not Stated

Due Date:

Job Description:

Supercool Vila Ltd is looking for interested applicant to fill in the position mentioned.

Interested applicant must possess the following:


- At least three years experience in the above field; Punctual; Reliable; Qualification from a recognized institute from Vanuatu

- Electrical knowledge would be an advantage; Able to install air conditions, service and attend breakdowns.


Not Stated


Not Stated


How To Apply:

Send applications to the mail or email address below or drop in your applications at our office.

Contact Name:

The Manager


Not Stated




Not Stated


21-Jan-12 Daily Post (Weekender)
Source Website:

For further information on the above Vanuatu job please see the source or contact the employer directly.

AccessTotalsID: 1

2825 Human Resources Officer

Save the Children Vanuatu Field Office


Non Government Organisation


Port Vila, Vanuatu

Job Hours:

Not Stated

Due Date:


Job Description:

*RE ADVERTISEMENT* (Previous applicants need NOT re apply)

For over 90 years, Save the Children has been making a difference in childrens lives in more than 120 countries. We are the world's largest independent child rights development organisation. From emergency relief to long-term development, Save the Children secures a childs right to health, education and protection.

Save the Children Australia operate in Australia delivering domestic programs and in the Pacific region, inlcuding Vanuatu, Solomon islands, Papua New Gunea and Timor Leste. We also support programs in Bangladesh, Laos, Cambodia, Afganistan and Indonesia. Save the Children are an equal opportunity organisation dedicated to our core values of

Accountability, Ambition, Collaboration, Creativity and Integrity.

An existing role in the Vanuatu program and this position works in the capacity of providing support and guidance to management and staff on HR issues. This role facilitates processes and works within the boundaries of policies, procedures and employment law. Decision making is limited and this role works under the supervision of Country Director

and support from Melbourne Office HR. This role is a local hire position. We work with children, communities and governments all over the world and we believe in the right person for the job regardless of where you come from and how you identify yourself. We need to keep children safe so our selection process reflects our commitment to ensuring

that only those who are suitable to work with children are considered for these posts.

All successful applicants will therefore be enquired to complete a police check and must sign onto our child protection policy and code of conduct.


Not Stated


Save the Children looks to attract exceptional applicants and offers competitive salary packages.


Not Stated


How To Apply:

Please forward your application together with CV via email or direct your application to the mail address mentioned.

Contact Name:

Not Stated


Not Stated




The Director, Save the Children, PO Box 283, Port Vila, Vanuatu.


21-Jan-12 Daily Post (Weekender)
Source Website:

For further information on the above Vanuatu job please see the source or contact the employer directly.

AccessTotalsID: 1

2824 Manager

Employer Name Not Given


Other Business Services


Port Vila, Vanuatu

Job Hours:

Not Stated

Due Date:

Job Description:

Our client seeks the interest of a highly-experienced individual of the overall management of their new luxury villas in Port Vila. Interested candidates should understand the high demands of exclusive accommodation and unique tourism experiences that will be demanded by the targeted visiting traveller.

Interested applicant must possess the following:


- 5 years minimum experience required at management level with key skills including staff management, training and development; Payroll management and financial management; Resort management

and guest interaction with superior levels of customer service

- Applicants must hold a drivers licence and qualifications within the hospitality industry.


Not Stated


Not Stated


How To Apply:

If you have the ability and drive to deliver exeptional service and holiday memories to visitors of Vanuatu, then apply in writing to the address below.

Contact Name:

Ref: "4101" The Administration Manager


(+678)22276 Fax: 22276



International Finance Trust Limited, PO Box 211, Port Vila, Vanuatu.


20-Jan-12 Daily Post
Source Website:

For further information on the above Vanuatu job please see the source or contact the employer directly.

AccessTotalsID: 1

2823 Senior Accounting

Employer Name Not Given


Banking and Financial Services


Port Vila, Vanuatu

Job Hours:

Not Stated

Due Date:


Job Description:

Our client is seeking a senior experienced person with a Diploma in Accounting, to function as our Accounting and Administration Manager.

Interested applicant must possess the following requirements:


- A successful candidate to this job will have an outgoing, responsible and conservative nature; Be a team player and as required by other world time zones

- Be flexible and willing to work daily from midday to 8pm; The work requires a good command of spoken and writen english and italian (currently 90% of clients are Italian); Computer literacy and

advanced IT experience is essential.


Not Stated


English, Italian


How To Apply:

Interested applicants should submit their qualifications and references to the address provided below.

Contact Name:

Not Stated


Not Stated



United Investment Bank Limited, PO Box 457, Port Vila, Vanuatu.


20-Jan-12 Daily Post
Source Website:

For further information on the above Vanuatu job please see the source or contact the employer directly.

AccessTotalsID: 1

2822 Office Manager

Employer Name Not Given


Cargo / Logistics / Supply Chain


Port Vila, Vanuatu

Job Hours:

Not Stated

Due Date:


Job Description:

We are seeking suitable people to fill in the above position.

Duties & Responsibilities:

1) Be responsible for the overall management of the company

2) Administrative & financial management

3) Monitoring of all activities on daily basis

4) Carry out any other activities as necessary to ensure the efficient and effective running of the company.

Interested applicant must possess the following:


- Excellent oral and written communication skills in english; Two years management experience; Must be computer literacy

- EDI software knowledge; Be an excellent team player; Knowledge on freight forwarding.


Not Stated




How To Apply:

Please send your application to the address below

Contact Name:

Not Stated


Not Stated



Fr8 Logistics, 1 Wharf Road, PO Box 5025, Port Vila, Vanuatu.


20-Jan-12 Daily Post
Source Website:

For further information on the above Vanuatu job please see the source or contact the employer directly.

AccessTotalsID: 1

2821 Finance Officer

Vanuatu Red Cross Society


Non Government Organisation


Port Vila, Vanuatu

Job Hours:

Not Stated

Due Date:


Job Description:

The Vanuatu Red Cross Society, working jointly with the support of the French Red Cross, is seeking applications from dynamic and highly motivated persons to immediately fill up the following position as part of its VRCS management team. Interested candidates are invited to pick up a more detailed Job description of this position at Vanuatu Red Cross

Office (located at Vanuatu Red Cross Headquarters), or send request by sending email to the address below. Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Appointment for 12 months, with 3 months probation period. Duties and responsibilities:

1) Assist the financial manager with day to day financial transactions, payments and financial records keeping

2) Enter and monitor financial input into the MYOB system on daily basis ensuring journals inputs and posting

3) Ensure all advance accounts are reconciled on a monthly basis

4) Prepare the payroll ensuring that forth nightly salary is paid in to staff account accordingly

5) To develop a thorough comprehension of the Vanuatu Red Cross Finance and administrative system and update if necessary the user guide for MYOB Accounting system

6) To reinforce the understanding and the implementation of the Vanuatu Red Cross staff in accounting principles and procedures and the Vanuatu Red Cross Finance system itself

7) To prepare the donor financial reports, to ensure these reports are kept up-to-date and continue to be produced in a timely manner

8) To respect and work within all aspects of Vanuatu Red Cross’ internal Security Policy and Guidelines

9) To provide assistance to Vanuatu Red Cross staff members and our partners in the implementation of administration and logistics procedures

10) To supervise finance reporting for assigned projects implemented by Vanuatu red Cross.

11) Other tasks as necessary and required by the line manager.


Not Stated


Not Stated


Not Stated


How To Apply:

Interested candidates may submit their applications, with letter of interest and CV to the mail or email address below.

Contact Name:

Not Stated


Not Stated




Vanuatu Red Cross Society, CEO, PO Box 618, Port Vila, Vanuatu.


23-Jan-12 Direct from Employer
Source Website:

For further information on the above Vanuatu job please see the source or contact the employer directly.
First Previous Next Last

2820 Adminstrative Assistant

VANGO (Vanuatu Association of Non Governmental organization


Non Government Organisation


Port Vila, Vanuatu

Job Hours:

Not Stated

Due Date:


Job Description:

The Global Environment Facility Small Grant Programme (GEF SGP) with the United Nations Development Prgramme as the implementing agencies provides support for small scale community based activities that address global environmental problem at the local level. The programme is managed by a National Steering Committee (NSC) and a National

Coordinator. GEF through VANGO is in need for an additonal personnel to the administration of VANGO to support the National Coordinator. VANGO is looking for suitable qualified person for the position of the Adminstrative Assistant to support the National Cooridinator. The Administrative Assistant position is on a contract basis for 12 months.

There will be a 6 months probation period. The recruitment process will follow the VANGO normal human resource recruitment procedures. Duties and responsibilities:

1) Maintain and manage community based environmental project records within VANGO and the SGP global database

2) Provide advice to NGO's and CBO's on SGP environmental project development in Vanuatu

3) Process finance required by the SGP Vanuatu and VANGO

4) Monitor and manage project grant payments

5) Monitor grantees reporting on their project implementation

6) Coordinate National Steering Committee (NSC) meeting on project decisions

7) Manage grantees projects information and contribute to quartely and annual reporting

8) And undertake other responsibilities that maybe delagated by the National Coordinator.

Interested applicant must possess the following:


- Have completed tertiary education and certificate; He/she must have more than 5 years experience in office administration; Have good communication skills; Speak good english and bislama and

french will be a beneficiary

- Have some experience in working in community development; Excellent ability in using computer, MS windows programme, MS word and MS excel, MS database and internet communications.


The salary scale will only be discussed with shortlisted candidates


Bislama, English, French


How To Apply:

Application should be marked as Adminstrative Assistant and be send in writing with your CV to the address below.

Contact Name:

Not Stated


(678) 26034




VANGO ICBO, Private Mail Bag 9096, Port Vila, Vanuatu.


21-Jan-12 Direct from Employer
Source Website:
First Previous Next Last

19 January, 2012

2819 SPT - Japanese Tour Guide Manager

The Melanesian


Hotels, Restaurant and Tourism


Not Stated

Job Hours:

Not Stated

Due Date:


Job Description:

Interested applicants are invited for the position of Assistance Food & Beverage Manager/Purchasing Manager.

Duties and responsibilities:

The smooth and efficient operations of South Pacific Tours.

Interested applicant must possess the following:


- Must be a self-motivated person; Work as a team; Be well presented; Be organized; Have good communications skills; Be able to communicate well with guest and deal with complain professionally;

Required to communicate to SPT Japan office on a daily basis and assist Japanese tourists visiting Vanuatu

- Able to speak and write fluent Japanese; Have a good knowledge of marketing and accounting.


Not Stated




How To Apply:

Send application to the address below.

Contact Name:

Not Stated


Not Stated



The Melanesian Port Vila, PO Box 810, Port Vila, Vanuatu.


17-Jan-12 Daily Post
Source Website:

For further information on the above Vanuatu job please see the source or contact the employer directly.

AccessTotalsID: 1