06 September, 2024

Programme Researcher and Advocacy lead

Vanuatu Environmental Science Society


Port Vila with travel to outer islands


Due Date: 




Full time


Organisation Description: 

VESS is a charitable organisation that works on wildlife conservation and ecosystem protection.


Job Desctiption:

VESS is implementing a number of projects for ecosystem protection and wildlife conservation and is looking to recruit a scientist to implement both research and community outreach and advocacy components of those projects. Current project aims include better understanding plastic usage and waste in Vanuatu; reducing plastic pollution of marine habitats; conducting research on threatened bat species; and advocating for sustainable turtle tourism in Vanuatu. We also have a number of citizen science initiatives such as the International Coastal Cleanup and Seagrass Watch monitoring that the successful application would take part in. We are looking for a science graduate with good adherence to sound scientific principles and the ability to work autonomously. The work involves travel to outer islands.
Duties and Responsibilities
• To work with the VESS CEO to implement projects and initiatives.
• Conduct research in the form of litter surveys and interview questionnaires on plastic usage and waste.
• Participate in field work
• Deliver awareness raising and advocacy programmes, including Organising meetings, events and talks
• All task required, including administrative tasks to ensure smooth running of project and initiatives.
• Write project reports under direction of CEO.
• Participation in and lead citizen science initiatives.


Selection Criteria:

• Bachelor's degree or above in a natural science subject
• Excellent written and spoken English
• Excellent communication skills in Bislama
• A passion and enthusiasm for the environment and conservation.
• Experience in conservation programmes.
• Must like animals including dogs (the VESS office is located with the Nambtu Vet premises).
• Previous experience in project implementation desirable
• Strong verbal and written communication skills.
• Computer literacy including email and Microsoft suite.
• Willingness to work with a team and develop new skills.
• Positive attitude
• English and Bislama
• French is an advantage.
Desirable skills
• Driver's licence
• Knowledge of design and graphics software such as Canva or Adobe express.



Commiserate with qualifications and experience.


How to Apply

Apply by:



Contact Person:

Christina Shaw


Contact Phone:


Email to send applications to:



Postal Address or location to apply in person:





How to apply - more information:

Please send your CV and a cover letter by email to vess@vanuatuconservation.org  for the attention of Dr. Christina Shaw. The cover letter should include a short paragraph on how you believe Vanuatu can reduce plastic pollution of our oceans and an explanation of how you believe you are best suited to this job. Please do not send copies of qualification and references. These shall be requested if you are short listed for the position.

 For further information on the above job please contact the employer directly.


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