Gud Nius Yunivesiti Felosip (GNYF)
Port Vila, with travel to other islands and internationally as required
Due Date:
Organisation Description:
GNYF oversees gospel-hearted, Bible-based, and student-led ministries in tertiary institutions around Vanuatu.
Job Desctiption:
The National Director will oversee the operations of GNYF. As well a close involvement with the gospel ministries on campuses, inc. Bible teaching, training student leaders, and initiating new ministries, the ND will work closely with the GNYF Board to implement strategy and vision, managing finances, volunteers, and international relations with related groups and networks around the world.
Selection Criteria:
This role will require:
- Godly character
- Experience in tertiary student Christian ministry
- Fluency in English and Bislama
- Evidence of training in gospel ministry
Desirable attributes include:
- French language
- Formal theological education
- Experience managing finances and teams of volunteers
This role is voluntary / financial support needs to be raised
How to Apply
Apply by:
Contact Person:
Joel Atwood
Contact Phone:
() 569 3660
Email to send applications to:
Postal Address or location to apply in person:
PO Box 3147
Port Vila
How to apply - more information:
For further information on the above job please contact the employer directly.
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