Santo Bakery
Luganville, Santo
Due Date
18 Jul 2019
Full time (6am-2pm daily)
Organisation Description
Santo Bakery hemi wan
lokol bisnis we i gat wan smol hard woking tim blong ol dediketed mo honest
wokman. Mifala i mekem mo salem fres bred evri dei wetem wan tingting blong
givim wan gud sevis long ol kastoma blong mifala.
Job Description
Santo Bakery I stap
lukaotem wan gudfala sale person we hemi wan honest mo hard working person mo
hemi willing blong kontribut long sakses blong bisnis. Work ia bae hemi
includim sevem ol kastoma, data entry, tekem stock mo kilnap.
Selection Criteria
- Mas gat basic computer
skills e.g. Excel and Word
- Mas gat sam eksperiens olsem cashier - Mas wan we hemi honest - Mas wan we hemi save work hard |
Not Stated
How to Apply
Apply by:
Telephone In person |
Contact Person
Santo Bakery
Contact Phone Number
() 5322448
E-mail to send
applications to
Postal Address or
location to apply in person
Luganville, Santo
Website to Obtain Further
Not Stated
How to apply - more
Taem yu apply plis
inkludim ol work referens blong ol wok blong yu blong bifo
For further information on the above job please contact the
employer directly.