Breakas Beach Resort
Port Vila
Due Date
9 Jul 2018
Full Time
Organisation Description
Job Description
Responsible for
overseeing maintenance efforts across the resort. Manages maintenance
activities for the upkeep of buildings, landscapes, vehicles, and offices.
Oversees a range of maintenance activities. Resolves problems as they arise
whether directly or by assembling teams to solve those issues.
Selection Criteria
-Coordinate maintenance
worker efforts to make sure employer property like buildings and grounds are
kept up
-Identify areas for improvement and assign workers to take care of issues -Develop maintenance schedules and enforce them among maintenance staff -Respond to emergency calls for maintenance -Manage the set up and take down of different events -Perform troubleshooting to solve minor repair issues -Communicate plans for upper level improvements to maintenance worker staff -Contact and schedule repairmen and extra help as needed -Perform administrative tasks as required -Delegate tasks to meet maintenance schedule and satisfy employer needs -Must be a qualified plumber, electrician and carpenter -Must have at least 5 year experience |
Not Stated
How to Apply
Apply by:
Telephone |
Contact Person
Mrs. Morin
Contact Phone Number
(678) 25810
E-mail to send
applications to
Postal Address or
location to apply in person
Breakas Beach Resort
PO Box 1101 Port Vila |
Website to Obtain Further
Not Stated
How to apply - more
Not Stated
Source: Direct from the
For further information on the above job please see the source
or contact the employer directly.