Department of Tourism |

Government Department
Tanna, Vanuatu
Job Hour:
Not Stated
Tanna, Vanuatu
Job Hour:
Not Stated
Due Date
Job Description: |
The Tanna Tourism Recovery Project was developed by the Department of Tourism (DoT) in response to the effects of Cyclone Pam on the local tourism industry on Tanna in 2015. It was designed in partnership with the Australian Government funded Vanuatu Skills Partnership (TVET) Program in collaboration with the Tafea Provincial Government, Tafea Tourism Council and Tanna tourism operators.
Applications are now sought for the position of PROJECT COORDINATOR
The full position description is accessible via this link
Required Qualifications and Experience
Salary: |
Not Stated |
Language: |
Not Stated |
How To Apply: |
All applications must include a cover letter, an up-to-date CV with at least two referees. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews. Both anglophone and francophone male and female citizens are encouraged to apply. For more information or the full position description please do not hesitate to contact Jimmy Kawiel at the Tafea Department of Tourism, Tel: 7738828.
All applications must be received by Friday 6 October by mail or email.
Contact Person: |
Jimmy Kawiel |
Phone: |
(+678) 7738828 Address: Tanna Tourism Recovery Project C/O TVET Program Head Office, PO Box 5003, Port Vila, Vanuatu |
Email: |
______________________________________________________________ |
Source: 22-September-17 Direct From Employer |
For further information on the above Vanuatu job please see the source or contact the employer directly. |