Recruitment of a national expert to evaluate
the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) Tier 1 phase 1 programme
Job Description: |
The Ministry of
Tourism, Trade, Commerce and Ni-Vanuatu Business (MTTCNVB) is seeking the services of a national expert. The
expert will support the MTTCNVB in undertaking a comprehensive evaluation of
the EIF programme in Vanuatu. The evaluation will focus on assessing the
results and impact of the EIF programme, providing feedback, sharing lessons
learned and promoting accountability in programme delivery, implementation and
management of the EIF processes and operations.
The main purpose of the evaluation is to take stock of the results
achieved by the EIF Tier 1 phase 1 programme over its 4 year implementation
span (2014 – 2017) and to identify lessons learned which will
form a key component of Vanuatu’s application to the phase 2 funds.