Department of Industry (DoI), in conjunction with the Department of Tourism
(DoT), through VSTAP, is seeking a specialist consultant to fulfil the role of
a Handicrafts Business Development Technical Advisor. The main output will be
to work with the DoI Handicrafts Industry Officer to produce a Handicrafts
Industry Action Plan that will direct and guide Government, donor groups and
relevant stakeholders to develop and promote a sustainable handicrafts
industry. The main tasks to achieve this will include the following:
- Assist and support the ongoing capacity
building of key Department of Industry Officers to complete a detailed
handicrafts sector mapping exercise to identify and consult with all the
relevant handicraft organisations and stakeholders
- To coordinate all current and up-coming
donors projects in this sector
- Develop a detailed ‘Made in Vanuatu’
Terms of Reference to define and categorise products
- Assist in developing the handicraft
supply chain from local provincial producers to retailers
- Provide business planning support to
Trade Facilitation Associations and Businesses
- Establish the ‘Made in Vanuatu’ concept
retail store
- Organise a ‘Made In Vanuatu’ tourist
communication campaign
- Monitor
and Evaluate Program Sustainability.