
Port Vila, Vanuatu
Job Hours:
Full time position, due to start June 2016 to June 2017-12 Month Contract.
Due Date:
Job Description:
The Vanuatu Christian Council (VCC) is the peak body of the Christian churches in Vanuatu. It serves its member churches and their congregations by providing advocacy services, and implements community development activities to support the people of Vanuatu.
The Vanuatu Christian Council (VCC) is recruiting positions for projects being run over the next 12 months. A Finance Officer is sought for the Finance team.
- Previous experience working with budgets, cashbooks, financial reporting and petty cash.
| How To Apply:
For more information on this position and the Job Description Form, please contact the VCC General Secretary Ps Shem Tema on 27300 or email vcc@vanuatu.com.vu.
Interested applicants please send your application including cover letter and CV to the addresses provided. Applications close 5pm Monday 13 June.
| (+678) 27300
VCC General Secretary, Ps Shem Tema, VCC Office (ex-Murray Youth Hostel opposite APTC)
| Email:
vcc@vanuatu.com.vu |
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03-June-16 Direct from Employer
| For further information on the above Vanuatu job please see the source or contact the employer directly. |